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Alon & Ella
​'Iron Swords'
Emergency Aid

An Emergency Aid Situation Room to Support Civilians and IDF soldiers

This is the Israeli spirit's greatest hour, where we are building a better Israeli society through solidarity, brotherhood, and the willingness to mobilize for the benefit of the other. 

In response to the recent devastating events in Israel, Alon & Ella has shifted its volunteers and partners to address the most important and time-sensitive issues. 

“Alon and Ella” is now operating a 24/7 situation room to respond immediately and effectively to:

  • Evacuated residents of the affected areas.

  • Residents unable to leave the area surrounding the Gaza Strip,
    who are preparing for an extended stay within shelters.

  • Elderly people in need of assistance and social support.

  • Families of the injured victims in hospitals across Israel.

  • IDF soldiers on the front line and staging areas. 

With over 7,000 volunteers already joined, we are building a better Israeli society through brotherhood and the willingness to mobilize for the benefit of the other. 

How can you assist?

Currently, we operate with many volunteers available to process any need from the field. 

To further grow our impact, we are in need of more resources - both contributions of goods or financial support so we can purchase whatever is required for the mission. 

Please support our fundraising efforts! 

* Alon and Ella is a registered Non-Profit Organization, and all donations are valid for tax purposes. 

The Israeli Spirit's Greatest Hour 

Our Ad-hoc logistics center in the EY facility
with many of the EY volunteering employees

Alon & Ella's volunteers in action

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Initiatives on Social Media


עמותת אלון ואלה - אנשים למען הקהילה 
כתובתינו:           רחוב בן גוריון 1, בני ברק


טלפון:                           050-6658051

לזכרה של אלה שוורץ ז"ל

בתה של מייסדת העמותה, שלומית הראל-שוורץ 

עקבו אחרינו

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Designed by Coral Badash.
As a donation in memory of Eden Badash R.I.P

© כל הזכויות שמורות לעמותת אלון ואלה - אנשים למען הקהילה

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